Some of my stories. 

The lives of pastors, prostitutes, and policeman collide amidst the desperation of Depression-era Miami.

An exploration of the modern American, inspired by absurdist theatre. Welcome to the Big House. 

A group of beatniks navigate art, relationships, and illness somewhere near New York City. 

A portrait of America's sex-trafficking industry.

Set in postwar Atlanta, a college-aged girl brings her boyfriend home for dinner. Despite her mother's acceptance of the interracial relationship, hidden details of the couple's activity risk derailing the evening. 

California, 1929. A girl reluctantly prepares for a date. Shot on Super 8mm black & white film.

A successful novelist secludes himself in the country to craft his follow-up book. 

Following the Troubles, Irish, British, & American students try to make it in New England's rock scene.